
In this blog:

  1. Get one investment decision right per year

  2. Interest rates – running away with the money

  3. Ahhh Google, what have you done?

  4. If the money feels tight, consider the pricing involved in the tech you are buying

  5. A tale of two mortgages

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How to Guide: Your Essential Guide to ISAs

ISAs, or Individual Savings Accounts, have been around for over 20 years – since Google had its debut and Bill Clinton was impeached. Rewind to 1999, and the Chancellor Gordon Brown introduced the product in the hope of encouraging us to save more for the future. Since then, they’ve become an essential part of many a financial plan.

One of the key aims of the ISA was to make saving simple. However, as with many things finance-related, successive governments have tinkered with parts of ISAs, added new products and altered limits. The net result is that picking an ISA product and understanding how to make the most of your allowance is not quite as simple as it was initially meant to be!

Our free, 12-page essential guide to ISAs talks you through what an ISA is, the different types of ISAs and why should you choose one.

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Working in a coal mine

The Telegraph runs a weekly column called the Telegraph Money Makeover – readers write in if they are seeking help with their finances and the journalist of the day contacts firms like ours to ask if we’d like to write in with recommendations in return for getting name-checked in the paper (we’ve been there several times over the last few years)…

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For Whom the Till Tolls

It is only a few years ago now that the cash till in our local was nothing more than a wooden drawer slung under the rear counter. No one paid by card. John, the tenant landlord, would work out his cellar order with notebook and pencil and phone it in…

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How to Guide: The Basics of Investing

There are many good reasons to invest rather than just ‘save’ money – and before your imagination runs away with you, we are not talking investment aka the Wolf of Wall Street. That said, at one end of the scale investing can, indeed, provide an opportunity to increase your net worth or perhaps make you independently wealthy. However, the reality is that most of us would be more than happy at the prospect of knowing we’ll have a decent financial umbrella or of being able to retire comfortably or sooner than we’d planned. Investing can

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Now and Then

Everyone, it seems, has a point of view about the latest and last Beatles release.

The Guardian put it this way:
“A moody, reflective piano ballad, it’s clearly never going to supplant Strawberry Fields Forever or A Day in the Life in the affections of Beatles fans, but it’s a better song than Free as a Bird or Real Love…”

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