Doug Brodie, Founder & CEO
Doug has worked with personal investing since 1989, specialising in income investing for the last fifteen years, firstly with Old Mutual and running his own award winning business since 1995. Doug is chartered with two professional institutes, CISI and CII, and certified by the Institute of Financial Planning.
Boomer credentials: Doug is a dog-owning Parkrunner, whose first LP was Free Story, is pictured in Brutus Gold and cheesecloth, and drove a ‘71 VW camper from London to Sydney via Nepal.
Bridget McIntyre
Bridget, former High Sheriff of Suffolk, is a highly experienced and energised businesswoman who trained as an accountant and has held numerous senior positions across some of the UK’s largest blue chip organisations. Bridget held the role of UK Chief Executive of RSA Insurance plc, as well as senior roles at Aviva PLC, NED at Saga and Jarrolds, governor of the Health Foundation and is Chair of Notcutts. She is also founder of her own social enterprise organisation, ‘Dream On’, a Suffolk-based community interest company focused on improving the lives of women.
Boomer credentials: Bridget is a dog-owning world traveller whose first concert was seeing David Cassidy at the Belle Vue in Manchester in 1974.
Steve Sharp
A former Executive Director of Marks and Spencer, Steve was responsible for Marketing, Financial Services, E-Commerce and Store Development. He is Executive Chairman of Imagineer London, an international Marketing and Branding Agency, a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing and a Doctor and Visiting Professor of Glasgow Caledonian University. He is senior NED at the brewer and distiller Adnams plc.
Boomer credentials: Yorkshire born Steve was a Lambretta owning Mod whose first gig was to see The Yardbirds at Soho’s Marquee Club. These days he is a regular at Latitude festival.
Kim Lerche-Thomsen
An actuary, with more than 40 years pensions experience, Kim set up Prudential Annuities, the first retirement income business in the UK. He subsequently became CEO of Scottish Amicable before moving on to set up Primetime Retirement where he invented the fixed term annuity to give retirees more flexibility in their retirement options.
Boomer credentials: his first album was either from the Moody Blues, Dylan or CSN&Y, and being better at maths than most from an early age, he built a stamp collection at school which he then sold to buy a red convertible E-Type when aged 20.
William Todd
Starting at Cambridge in Mathematics, William migrated to anthropology and built his career in software and business. William was senior architect at the forerunner to LCH, Clearnet, CTO at Patsystems, founder & CTO at Exchange Network Systems in Hong Kong, Memegames and Hulgrave in London, and co-founder & CTO at Nutmeg, UK’s largest online saving and investment platform.
Boomer credentials: William’s first album was Meddle, his 1970’s photo identify flares, bare feet and an Afro hairstyle, and he retains an affinity with Bristol cars.
Ian Manning
With an MA from Cambridge in Natural Sciences, specialising in physics, Ian’s career has taken him from particle physics research experiments at both CERN and Fermilab, to building and delivering software-based systems for clients as varied as Essex Police, BT, Deutsche Telecom and Lloyds Bank, and project management in companies large and small.
Boomer credentials: the first album Ian bought was ‘Thick as a Brick’. He’s old enough to have watched every minute of England’s 1966 World Cup win, and he co-drove a VW camper to Australia with Doug.
Leonard Euler, Chief Inspiration Officer
If he was available today, we’d have him on our board. Swiss mathematician, physicist, astronomer, geographer, logician and engineer; Euler made many important discoveries in mathematics, such as infinitesimal calculus and graph theory. His importance to us is his discovery and proof of the Rule of 72, a key element of how compounding works, and his mathematical confirmation of why income investing works.
Join us today to help people live less anxious lives. We are on a mission to remove the anxiety that comes from being financially insecure; we also recognise that we are helping folk deal with their entire lifetime savings – what we do has to be right first time. To our clients, we understand.
At Chancery Lane, we’re baby boomers working with baby boomer clients. We speak the same language as our clients, we have the same values and experiences. We believe we’re leading the movement to create better financial lives.
Our client-centric business model helps empower investors to achieve their financial goals by combining award-winning technology with fiercely independent advice to deliver truly personal and data-driven wealth management solutions. If you’re interested in joining our movement, call us today!