How to Guide: Your Essential Guide to ISAs

front cover of the Essential Guide to ISAs

Your essential guide to ISAs

ISAs, or Individual Savings Accounts, have been around for over 20 years – since Google had its debut and Bill Clinton was impeached. Rewind to 1999, and the Chancellor Gordon Brown introduced the product in the hope of encouraging us to save more for the future. Since then, they’ve become an essential part of many a financial plan.

Despite their overall success over the past two decades, they were far from an instant hit. In fact, they were branded a “colossal failure” just a few months after launch due to their limited uptake. But over the years ISAs have slowly but surely become a savings stalwart with the canny British public.

One of the key aims of the ISA was to make saving simple. However, as with many things finance-related, successive governments have tinkered with parts of ISAs, added new products and altered limits. The net result is that picking an ISA product and understanding how to make the most of your allowance is not quite as simple as it was initially meant to be!

Our free, 12-page essential guide to ISAs talks you through what an ISA is, the different types of ISAs and why should you choose one.

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