How to Guide: The Basics of Investing

Why invest - and should you?

There are many good reasons to invest rather than just ‘save’ money – and before your imagination runs away with you, we are not talking investment aka the Wolf of Wall Street. That said, at one end of the scale investing can, indeed, provide an opportunity to increase your net worth or perhaps make you ndependently wealthy. However, the reality is that most of us would be more than happy at the prospect of knowing we’ll have a decent financial umbrella or of being able to retire comfortably or sooner than we’d planned.

Investing can also provide the means to meet cherished financial goals, such as paying for your child or grandchild’s school or university fees or helping them get onto the housing ladder.

Before even starting, the decision to invest should be based on a clear-eyed review of your financial situation and only done only after a series of careful checks.

Our free, no-nonsense 12 page guide to the basics of investing talks you through what you should consider and whether, and how to go about it.

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