What financial independence is really like: how others have retired
Meet Steve, Betsy, Tilly, Lawrence, Martin, Jack, Derek, Bruce, Jessie, Stephen and Jim.
Lives well lived.
In this blog:
There’s just one subject: a meeting with a prospective client brought a realisation to us when he said ‘But I had no idea you did all that’. We take what we do for granted, and for that I’m sorry, so let me explain…
In this blog:
The make-up of investment growth
Gearing investments – not what you expect
Tariffs – what Trump has done to smoothies, mangoes and the Chevy Silverado
The difference between Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, in Warren’s words
When the rich get richer
In this blog:
Giving it all away: no one gets out of here alive
Gifts into discretionary trusts – the tax consequences
“Our team aim to respond to all emails within 11 working days…”
Current annuity rates and how they have moved
Cut your 40% / 45% tax on interest to 36% / 40% permanently
Henderson International Income – what to do if you hold it
Long-term income versus RPI – the data
What did you do last Tuesday?
In this blog:
Jack Bogle’s Rules
What a final salary portfolio looks like – would you know what you’re looking at?
Your self-insured Defined Projected Benefit pension
You have £700k in pension and savings, what’s a reasonable NET income expectation?
In this blog:
The US market is broken: 20% of the entire S&P 500 gain in 2024 was from only one company. Why index trackers have created a huge problem.
Client case study – how much income does £256k get you?
Investment trusts – the trend is your friend until it’s not
Doug in the FT
Treating pensions as assets rather than income threatens their true purpose
In this blog:
Investing with leopards and elephants
How to lose Mastercard entirely
Mag 7? We’ve seen this before
American tech stocks are not all winners
In this blog:
What would you guess is the most common annual % return from the FTSE All Share over the last 30 years?
How to gift wealth to mitigate IHT
Understanding Henderson Far East Income
How the S&P 500 outperformed hedge funds – and it wasn’t even close
In this blog:
Great Uncle Cecil and the African savannah
Here’s how much discount you get with us…
Who stole your cheese?? When 3% is more than 6%
Slide 99 – what’s the point of trying to guess annual asset allocation?
In this blog:
“At any moment, you are one good choice away from a meaningful better life”
Why the valuation extremes are not as bad as 2000 (yet)
2024 dividend increases, listed trust by trust
The single item needed to be a client of Chancery Lane (it’s not what you think)
RPI, CPI, US and TV’s
A sage warning on how some investments work
In this blog:
Annuities vs bonds
Why fund prices are (probably) a red herring, used as sales tools for retail.
Who’s paying the bill? Net contributions to the EU budget.
The Passive Ponzi, aka, all rivers run to the sea.
In this blog:
Your state pension – the deferral decision
Our fees are 0.75% initial and 1% per annum (VAT free) – how does that compare?
No portfolio income has ever fallen – how it’s done
Maths & English – are you better than the 20% identified by the Economist?
The Next Big Thing – you pay us to keep you away from these
In this blog:
The world’s most expensive investment fund? (Probably)
Is this how your pension should look over your lifetime?
The client query: Fancy a dabble in a hedge fund? (Ed: Why?)
Physically backed crypto?
In this blog:
It’s… the World Chess Championship in Singapore
5% fixed for 10 years – is the US Treasury about to start sweating?
Why there is no Nvidia, Intel, IBM etc in the UK
Understand your yield (not hers or his or theirs)
The figures behind buy to let – costs, tax, gains, profits
In this blog:
The LTA rule changes – there’s more detail than most people know
How much it cost one client to get an extra £3,286 state pension per year
Data: Merchants Trust v Vanguard FTSE ETF
Data: a peek at a part of what tracking trusts entails
How French succession law works
In this blog:
No surprise there then
A day in the life of Chancery Lane
Henderson International Income – the big ‘why not’
‘My friend said ….’ Is that enough respect for your lifetime income?
In this blog:
Lifestyling, how to lose ¼ of your pension
The data comparing Vanguard FTSE Income vs Merchants Trust
The biggest threat to security as we age
In this blog:
Avoiding those black swans
Middle East virtual war, US fractured election and the markets rise -defying gravity?
Reassuring email from a duly elected MP
In this blog:
Affordability: Demographic breakdown of the source of personal tax revenue
Teach your children well – do you trust them?
ETFs – active not passive so not what we thought
Your pension money: spent on TV subscriptions perchance?
Did you get confused by the nine months income comparison table?
In this blog:
What WAS her name??
The pension revolution you didn’t spot
End of Q3 – income stats for each trust in our research pool comparing figures for 2023 to 2024
Can you spot a TOAD? (Apparently it’s a thing)
In this blog:
Your pension – does the patient need surgery or reassurance?
2024 tech giants versus 2000 tech giants – cliff edge again?
Talking about money…there’s an awful lot of it around
Just one thing – about pensions and tax
Can you spot the difference?
In this blog:
Afraid of Ms Reeves? A simple cut to tax on interest and investment gains
Just one thing about your pension
Because there’s no plan B
From the £900 million Merchants Trust – where they are finding income
It's cooking on gas (or riding at ‘full gas’ as the cyclists say)
“Doesn’t play well with others”
The right thing at the right time
Pension issues – global not local
Opinions versus data
Last word goes to Peter Jay
In our 2024 White Paper, we look at the data and provide a comparative analysis of alternative income drawdown strategies 1986-2023
We collate, tabulate and compare the data from the main retail investors’ drawdown strategies over 37 years, look at the two biggest risks for an individual depending on drawdown income are sequence and longevity, and what we found when we analysed more than 1,239 balance sheets, reserve statements and cashflows.
In this blog:
Guarantee? My bond is my word
Everyone’s heard of Warren Buffett – and yet the “Yes but”s
Is it infinity?
It's not just you
Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Dundee farmers 1888
In this blog:
The white paper
Data – rolling five-year increases
Taking two to tango: cutting an Apple in half
Race to the bottom
In this blog:
Just one thing – grow your income before you need it
If you think it’s just you?
And if you think it’s just Ms Reeves…
Retire Well
In this blog:
Annapurna circuit
Tahiti catamaran charter
Bootcamp art workshop in Provence
Riding in Montana
Beat the kids at their own game: villa in Ibiza
Le Mans Classic – drive, don’t spectate
Learn to kitesurf in Egypt
Volunteer in daycare in Nairobi
In this blog:
Just one thing about pensions
You owe how much??
Cue the semantic debate?
Supermarket Income REIT
On Golden Pond
In this blog:
The single biggest error
The second biggest error
Morgan Stanley and the 10% correction
Speed dating (with JP Morgan)