We do retirement income planning and nothing else.

We do retirement income planning and nothing else.
Chancery Lane was created by baby boomers, for baby boomers.
After forty years receiving a monthly paycheque, what you really need in retirement is a monthly paycheque.
Do-it-yourself income planning can be like DIY dentistry, not really for the enthusiastic amateur.
Our systems and services are designed for portfolios of £250k+.
We believe in simple, low fees. "Price is what you pay, value is what you get.” - Warren Buffet.
We specialise in long term income as we assume our clients want a long-term retirement.
If at any time you needed a qualified opinion on your financial planning, this is probably it.
We remove the fuss from pension income. We take boringly reliable as a compliment.
Investors who bought Lowland trust in 2009 received an income yield of 15% in 2020.
Read more, or go straight to try
our RPI-analysis tools
Hello, World!
This is the single most important chart for any income investor, it is the Key Chart for the selected portfolio.
What does this show? It shows the capital value change in each calendar year for 30 years (blue bars), overlaid with the actual income payments paid out over that period (red line).
Why is this important? The Chancery Lane algorithm creates portfolios where there is no or weak correlation between income and capital. This allows retirees to receive predictable income irrespective of what the FTSE is doing.
The projected income table allows you to take a view of what income might be received each year if the portfolio’s historical income growth rate is applied to the actual last year income. Past returns are no indication of future returns.
Figures are shown as annual or monthly figures.
An estimate of state pension can be included
The Cost of Income table allows you to enter the income you require and then calculates the funds required to achieve that income using your selected Portfolio, the FTSE All Share and Gilts. You can enter the income target as an annual or monthly figure. The second columns shows the same data as the cost of £1 in income.
If you wish to explore how these calculations are made, please contact us.
What financial independence is really like: how others have retired
Meet Steve, Betsy, Tilly, Lawrence, Martin, Jack, Derek, Bruce, Jessie, Stephen and Jim.
Lives well lived.
In this blog:
There’s just one subject: a meeting with a prospective client brought a realisation to us when he said ‘But I had no idea you did all that’. We take what we do for granted, and for that I’m sorry, so let me explain…
In this blog:
The make-up of investment growth
Gearing investments – not what you expect
Tariffs – what Trump has done to smoothies, mangoes and the Chevy Silverado
The difference between Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, in Warren’s words
When the rich get richer
In this blog:
Giving it all away: no one gets out of here alive
Gifts into discretionary trusts – the tax consequences
“Our team aim to respond to all emails within 11 working days…”
Current annuity rates and how they have moved
Cut your 40% / 45% tax on interest to 36% / 40% permanently
Henderson International Income – what to do if you hold it
Long-term income versus RPI – the data
What did you do last Tuesday?
In this blog:
Jack Bogle’s Rules
What a final salary portfolio looks like – would you know what you’re looking at?
Your self-insured Defined Projected Benefit pension
You have £700k in pension and savings, what’s a reasonable NET income expectation?
In this blog:
The US market is broken: 20% of the entire S&P 500 gain in 2024 was from only one company. Why index trackers have created a huge problem.
Client case study – how much income does £256k get you?
Investment trusts – the trend is your friend until it’s not
Doug in the FT
Treating pensions as assets rather than income threatens their true purpose