Financial Planning
This is where we start. It is the most important part: thinking about what your money is supposed to do for you. While you’re working, it’s easy – it’s to pay the bills, and what’s left over has to be put to the most efficient use for when it is needed, either to pay down a mortgage, pay future education costs or pay for future retirement income.
After forty years receiving a monthly pay cheque what you really need in retirement is a monthly pay cheque!
Do-it-yourself income planning can be like DIY dentistry — not really for the enthusiastic amateur! The simple idea of saving for retirement has been clouded by layers and layers of complexities and, worse for the unwary, tax pitfalls. Welcome to pension regulations, 2020s-style.
We are technical specialists in regard to pensions. We check, then we double check, then just to be sure we check again. We remove the fuss from pension income and take boringly reliable as a compliment.
People can put their money in cash at the bank, and at the other end of the spectrum they can buy a simple tracker linked to the market. For anything in between there has to be a pretty good reason why. We help you answer the why. Our investment method can be summed up as following the Russia versus NASA solution to providing to astronauts something that would write in space: NASA spent $millions developing a pen to function in weightlessness, the Russians provided a pencil.
Our systems and services are designed for portfolios of £250k+.
We believe in simple, low fees. (We use Vanguard and ETFs in our growth portfolios).
Our annual account management fee for advisory clients is 0.0833% per month, which is 1% pa – 35% of the cost covers advisory work, 45% covers investment supervision and the balance covers our regulatory costs.
Our fees cover our costs, full timesheets are available on all advised accounts; our advice fees are guaranteed – if we don’t deliver on the objective we agreed, we’ll repay to you the last 12 months advice charge.
“Price is what you pay, value is what you get” — Warren Buffet.