Inevitably McGee

In this blog:

  1. Your pension – does the patient need surgery or reassurance?

  2. 2024 tech giants versus 2000 tech giants – cliff edge again?

  3. Talking about money…there’s an awful lot of it around

  4. Just one thing – about pensions and tax

  5. Can you spot the difference?

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Afraid of Ms Reeves? A simple cut to tax on interest and investment gains

In this blog:

  1. Afraid of Ms Reeves? A simple cut to tax on interest and investment gains

  2. Just one thing about your pension

  3. Because there’s no plan B

  4. From the £900 million Merchants Trust – where they are finding income

  5. It's cooking on gas (or riding at ‘full gas’ as the cyclists say)

  6. “Doesn’t play well with others”

  7. The right thing at the right time

  8. Pension issues – global not local

  9. Opinions versus data

  10. Last word goes to Peter Jay

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2024 White Paper: Retire Well

In our 2024 White Paper, we look at the data and provide a comparative analysis of alternative income drawdown strategies 1986-2023

We collate, tabulate and compare the data from the main retail investors’ drawdown strategies over 37 years, look at the two biggest risks for an individual depending on drawdown income are sequence and longevity, and what we found when we analysed more than 1,239 balance sheets, reserve statements and cashflows.

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When was the last time?

In this blog:

  1. Lucky vs repeatable

  2. Trouble at the EV offices

  3. Ros Altmann – Baroness – and the trouble with trusts

  4. I had an interesting conversation with my three-year-old granddaughter about a bear that is really called Winnie the Pooh (you can fill in the gaps)

  5. Standard deviation and Sortino Ratios in portfolio comparisons

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