Sausage Sunday

There was a distinctly ‘sausagey’ Sunday in Suffolk this month

First was an attempt on The Guinness World Record for the number of animals on a sausage dog walk which stood at about a thousand.

Participants came from far and wide to the seaside town of Southwold and assembled at the harbour car park for the mass dog walk along the beach to the pier. They bust the previous record with a massive 2238 registered dogs, but from the photograph below you can immediately detect a snag!

Suffolk Sausage Dog Guinness Book of Records in Southwold October 2022

Sausage dog owners dominate the scene with the dogs barely visible in the human melee.

When they took off down the beach there was little improvement in the dog to human ratio.

When the event was billed, I had imagined two thousand of the little chaps being herded along by a few sheep dogs, with whistles and cries of “come by” from the shepherds. At the pier, owners would meet the pack and try to find their pooch wading in with calls of ‘Roger….Roger…”

Meanwhile, half an hour away the town of Framlingham, home of Ed Sheeran, was hosting its annual sausage festival.

Armed with a map and a small wooden fork a seemingly similar sized crowd roamed the town streets in search of morsels of sausage to then vote for their favorite to be crowned champion.

 Helpful sausage clad guides pointed the way to tasting stations along the way.

Hot dog costume at Southwold Sussex Sausage festival 2022
Sausages on BBQ at Southwold

The atmosphere in the market square was something to behold, with families and friends having a great time in the warm sunshine, enjoying Britain at its slightly eccentric best.

I am sad to report that not all sausages were available as this hastily written notice confirms.

Sausage poisoning sign

One hopes the poor lady did not succumb to a dodgy sausage.

Finally, we were amused to see a participant from the first event turn up at the festival in search of sausage.

Sausage dog wants a hot dog


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