Corporate Social Responsibility


As Financial Advisors we operate in a highly regulated industry and we take our responsibility for looking after your retirement income very seriously.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a self-regulatory business model which we voluntarily embrace because it’s in our nature to care. We are a small company with a small team and do not make grandiose claims, but from the outset we travel with good intent.


Traditionally, CSR was commonly viewed as something only large companies practiced. It often included philanthropic gestures towards charitable causes. In the past, simply having a CSR intention in place was already enough for a company to be recognised as socially responsible, even if the idea of social responsibility did not influence the business model.

Today, however, it is safe to say that this has changed. Companies of all size are increasingly being held responsible for their social and environmental impact by their customers.

A study conducted with 1000 consumers across the UK and the USA in 2018 found that 88% of consumers expect brands to do more. They want companies to acknowledge their impact on climate change, pollution, or inequality. Customers want to see evidence that the brands they trust act in beneficial ways for the greater common good.

The truth is, CSR can come very naturally if you embrace it as a mindset rather than as a PR campaign. There are many simple ways to practice social responsibility –as long as we embrace it within our culture. It might be a small decision that eventually leads to great change.

The Directors of Chancery Lane have been involved in a wide range of social issues from the environment to medicine and education to the arts, a selection of which are linked below.

Great Ormond Street Hospital Charity:

the blossom charity:

Dream On Suffolk:


Glasgow Caledonian University:

The Trussell Trust: